Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Please provide the list of IJSER impact factor year wise. also provide the journal impact factor list.

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Thursday, 9 January 2014


IJSER Journal DOI : IJSER DOI : 10.14299/000000

What is a digital object identifier, or DOI?

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a character string (a "digital identifier") used to uniquely identify an object such as an electronic document. Metadata about the object is stored in association with the DOI name and this metadata may include a location, such as a URL, where the object can be found. The DOI for a document is permanent, whereas its location and other metadata may change. Referring to an online document by its DOI provides more stable linking than simply referring to it by its URL, because if its URL changes, the publisher need only update the metadata for the DOI to link to the new URL.

The numbers consist of
  • numbers assigned to the publisher (in the example used below these are 10.1016)
  • the journal title (j.fertnstert or the Journal of Fertility and Sterility)
  • some numbers that define the actual article 

Organizations that meet the contractual obligations of the DOI system and are willing to pay to become a member of the system can assign DOIs.The DOI system is implemented through a federation of registration agencies coordinated by the International DOI Foundation,which developed and controls the system. The DOI system has been developed and implemented in a range of publishing applications since 2000; by late April 2011 more than 50 million DOI names had been assigned by some 4,000 organizations.By April 2013 this number had grown to 85 million DOI names assigned through 9,500 organizations. The DOI system uses, but is not formally part of, the Handle System.

IJSER Journal | Author Visits and Continents ( 207 countries)

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IJSER Journal | Yearly Research Paper Publication Statistics 2013

IJSER Journal - 2013 Statistics (for more details visit:  )

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

IJSER Journal Digital Library

Access thousands of top-quality articles, research papers, magazines, evolving collection of resources and papers from IJSER Journal covering new and emerging topics.
Using IJSER Xplore search engine you can easily search article on the topics of your interest.

IJSER is Open Access Journal, you can download research papers for free.

IJSER Journal Indexing

The aim of the indexing is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. There are various indexing repositories that claim to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. IJSER team continuously working on indexing and try index many repositories for worldwide visibility.

According to survey, Google Scholar one of the major source and worlds best indexing repository. More than 95% of the IJSER published papers are now indexed on Google Scholar.

 For More Details on ijser indexing you can goto IJSER Website indexing page.